Asset Tracking Using Bluetooth
This week Stelios Trikoulis of Telstra shares some great insights on Logistics Asset Tracking Technology.
Find out more here:
Leadership Tips with Craig Lardner
Craig Lardner shares some of his great tips on Leadership. Craig has had a long career in major Corporates and Consulting.
Boost Your Own Performance with Paul Blackburn
Boosting Your Personal Performance. 3 Tips from Paul Blackburn.
How Does a Route Optimisation Tool Work?
How do you make your delivery fleet more efficient? This week we look at Route Optimisation tools with PTV and ANC.
Winery Distribution Network Setup with Brian Rooney
I have a tough job! This week it was looking at Logistics and Warehousing at a local winery! ‘Audrey Wilkinson, in the Hunter Valley Australia.
Of course as well as discussion wine Supply Chains, we had to try some wine!
Why Is Trust Important? with Kylie Chain
Trust is so important in life and in Business. Kylie Chain talks to me about Trust in Leadership and shares some valuable thoughts.
What is Blockchain? with Stephen Rowlinson
After a recent presentation at our Supply Chain Leaders Academy, I thought I’d better ask?
What is Blockchain and how can we use it? Can it Benefit the Supply Chain?
Meeting People That Inspire You
Who Inspired YOU Today?
Digital Supply Chain Tips with Mathew Smith
We now have this ability to measure our delivery time proactively and communicate if there are any challenges by making use of digital tools. Listen to this interview with Mathew Smith and gain insights as he talks about Customer Communication as well as Internal Communication in managing Digital Supply Chain.
Supply Chain Fundamentals
Maybe 15-20% of businesses are really taking advantage of the latest trends, but the rest are still getting the Supply Chain fundamentals wrong!