This was a question I posed to 4 of my directors about 10 years ago at Logistics Bureau.
I had recently watched Simon Sinek’s video “Start with Why” link below. It gives a great perspective of how we should think about our businesses and describe to others. And so, I wanted out senior exec team to look at our business through this lens and see if we could agree what our Why really was.
It was quite funny as I broached the subject with that simple question.
“What gets you out of bed in the morning”?
We all come from very different backgrounds, have different experiences and different goals personally. And I could see straight away the looks on their faces. There was no way on earth they thought we could possibly agree on our Why.
I suggested we all watch the Simon Sinek video together. We’d discuss it and then share our Why with the others to see if we could find some common ground.
We spent about 4 hours together doing this.
And do you know the result?
We nailed it! Unanimously. We all had the same Why in some form or another.
This was ours.
Why we do what we do
We love helping people and organisations to better outcomes
You can read more about it here: Logistics Bureau’s Why
And here is that Simon Sinek Video. Start with Why
Have you managed to nail your Why? Or that of your organisation? Was it hard?