CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is an essential element in any Business these days.

But for many smaller businesses, it can be hard to get started on a CSR program. It can seem very expensive.

But there are easy ways to get involved.

In this episode, Masami Sato, founder of B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1), an organization that connects businesses to worthy causes worldwide, takes us to a better understanding of what it is and why people join.





Related article on this topic: What does Corporate Social Responsibility Really Mean?

You too can join our ‘World of Giving’, click here: B1G1 Giving Program



Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 12, 2021, under the title “How to get involved with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?” on Logistics Bureau’s website.



Contact Rob O'Byrne

Best Regards,
Rob O’Byrne
Email: robyrne@logisticsbureau.com
Phone: +61 417 417 307